Cancer Horoscope

Sept 8, 2024… Hello, phone company? Eat dirty laundry! Whoa, Crabby. Keep a cool head. Sure, thanks to the Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces, communications could be on the fritz this Sunday. While it can be incredibly frustrating to feel like you’re misunderstood or totally unheard, you don’t have to let the heaviness of negative emotions drag you down. In fact, learning to laugh about accidental texts or jumbled words and forgiving yourself for mistakes can be quite freeing. At the end of the day, you have the power to choose light and joy and kindness. Rise above.

Today’s Astrovibe for 9/8/24: The Moon in Scorpio will trine Saturn in Pisces today. If communications are on the fritz, easing up on any heaviness that could be hanging around and focusing on the kindness is the way to get it back on track. You can tell how someone is feeling by not what the say but how they say it. Got it? Good. Now get out there and own it.



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