
Astrological topics finally explained… simply.


Why Ophiuchus Isn’t an Astrological Sign (And It Sounds Cliche When You Say It...

So, every so often, this ridiculous idea that there is a 13th (or even 14th --- which is another whole conversation) astrological sign goes...

What Does Pluto Mean in Astrology?

Yes, yes. We know.  Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet a few years back. We got the memo. That doesn’t mean that astrologers are going...

What Does Jupiter Mean in Astrology?

Jupiter the giant is the planet of expansion, abundance, and optimism.  It plays a pivotal role in our astrological makeup. He expands and enlarges...

What Does MakeMake Mean in Astrology?

There have been several new dwarf planets identified in the last twenty years. In the past, Greek and Roman mythology have been at the...
Aspects 101

Horoscopes Decoded: WTH are Major Aspects?

Astrology is just as complex as you are. It’s a whole conglomeration of signs and planets, and most importantly, the relationships between them. The...

What Does Uranus Mean in Astrology?

Uranus is one of the outer planets in our solar system and in astrology. It’s associated with innovation, uniqueness, technology, revolution, and change. As...

Is Astrology Just Utter Bunk?

Is Astrology Just Utter Bunk? Sorta. But, hang with me here. I’ve got some explaining to do. Don’t throw the dog out with the hairy, peed-in...
Venus Signs

Getting Your Venus On

John Keating from Dead Poets Society says, “Poetry, beauty, romance, love; these are what we stay alive for.” That’s what Venus is thinking too,...

The Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

So, is it that time of year again? Is social media awash with cries of, “Hide the women and children! Abandon ship! Stockpile weapons! It’s...

What Does Neptune Mean in Astrology?

Neptune is often called the "planet of dreams" in astrology. This planet represents our imagination, creativity, spirituality, and intuition. Neptune is associated with our...

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