Pisces Horoscope

Sept 9, 2024… Mmm! Crack open a skull and sip on these brain juices, Pisces. Not literally, though. That’d be gross. At any rate, learning and growing will likely be encouraged by the vibes of the Moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus, trine Neptune in Pisces, and then moving to Sag to square Mercury in Virgo. If learning from life experiences tickles your pickle, then you could be in for a jolly good chuckle. Sure, sometimes life lessons hit hard in the moment, but they can be awesome for wise thinking when it comes to making decisions later on. Seek wisdom, Fishy.

Today’s Astrovibe for 9/8/24: The Moon in Scorpio will trine Saturn in Pisces today. If communications are on the fritz, easing up on any heaviness that could be hanging around and focusing on the kindness is the way to get it back on track. You can tell how someone is feeling by not what the say but how they say it. Got it? Good. Now get out there and own it.



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